Case Analysis The Critical Path to Persuasion /

Hollander, John

Case Analysis The Critical Path to Persuasion / [Recurso electrónico] : John Hollander , Servicio en línea - Toronto: Irwin Law Inc., 2014 - 1 recurso electrónico

How do lawyers get from the initial interview to a structured closing argument? Cases emerge in fits and starts — a fact here, a document there — and most of what lawyers learn about a case has no bearing on the outcome. How can lawyers begin to separate the wheat from the chaff? Case analysis, as outlined in this handbook, will teach you how to convert preparation into persuasion. Armed with case analysis, lawyers can plan and implement effective examinations, openings, and closings: start with the idea, then present the key facts in a manner that convinces — this is the critical path to persuasion.

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