American Headway 1 : the world´s most trusted english course

Soars, John

American Headway 1 : the world´s most trusted english course / John Soars, Liz Soars. - 2a ed. - Nueva York : Oxford University Press , 2009 - v,134 páginas il., fotografías. + CD-Rom (4 3/4 plg.)

Prepa UNAM / Inglés V (1506) / (05 002307, 05 002308)
Prepa UNAM / Inglés VI (1603) / (05 002309, 05 002310) Incluye Cd Student practice Multi Rom

Hello everybody
Meeting people
The world of work
Take it easy
Where do you live?
Can you speak english?
Contenido de Multi-rom (Cd.)
Making introduction
Who's in your family?
Talk about a friend
What is your favorite season?
Talk about your neighborhood
Where were ypu yesterday?
When´s your birthday?
Talk about your day so far
What are you wearimg?
What are you going to do?
Talk about places you have been.



PE1128 / S62 2009



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