Hollander, John

Examinations in Civil Trials The Formula for Success / [Recurso electrónico] : John Hollander , Servicio en línea - Toronto: Irwin Law Inc., 2015 - 1 recurso electrónico

The rough and tumble of examinations — direct, cross, redirect — is the heart of this handbook, which offers up a wealth of practical techniques and advice for the novice litigator. For more experienced counsel, it can offer alternatives to practices developed over years. Maintaining a plainspoken style throughout, Examinations in Civil Trials presents a sophisticated and comprehensive approach to conducting examinations in court, and before administrative tribunals. Nearly every section wraps up with a case study — a fact situation drawn from the courtroom that sets up an exercise — and a “solution” clearly showing how an advocate might tackle the exercise with aplomb.

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Procedimiento Civil--Canadá